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RE: photography advice needed...

Posted by : Andy/Ripley ( Inappropriate or SPAM?
On Sunday 25/11/12 at 23:13:31

Yes, that's right John. I have twice now got my son's Panasonic Lumix DMCFZ18 digital camera wet whist in the pursuit of photographing C90's.

The 1st time was on the Hardknott Pass in the Lake District, when a shy and sensitive chap called bogger suggested I stand at the top of the hill to capture the remaining 8 motorcyclists negotiating the twists and turns of that unforgiving road. As the procession seem to inch it's way forward, my son's camera and I were exposed to the very wettest weather that the Lakes came throw at one. Tossing the camera into the bag after they had passed, I rode frantically to catch up with my buddies and worried constantly all the way home (some 7 hours later), about the state of the camera.
Once home I inspected the Lumix. It was all misted up through the viewfinder and I feared the worst (a family trait), but after 5 days in the airing cupboard without it's batteries and every flap and door opened, all was good again. :)

The 2nd occasion was at the 'plop enduro' at Mallory Park last month when it needed just 2 days airing cupboard rest.

As well as it's resistance to water the Lumix has a fantastic 18x optical zoom on it, image stabiliser plus all the other usual features.

P.S. Klippy has the same camera & he swears by it too.

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