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Southern softie ventures out in the rain...solo!!

Posted by : james ( Inappropriate or SPAM?
On Monday 12/11/12 at 19:15:55

No work Monday ,checked weather ,looked ok, messaged fellow Dorset cubber who would be up for the run weather permitting...Got up today and yup its raining. Bugger it, looks like I'm flying solo,nearly aborted but luckily manned up and hit the morning rush out of Wimborne.I'd only planned a short days blat out to Weymouth anyway so the light (and at time heavy showers didn't bother me.)I wanted to explore a bit around Ringstead/Poxwell area just out side Weymouth.This time of year is best as there's no one about(had to go a mile or so up some tracks that say no cars! but hey I'm on a bike! :s )Found a spooky little RAF radar station place,and some old bunkers on the sea front.Well I can confirm that conti tyres on the bike do not like wet fields and or muddy tracks!! XD Came out and didn't bother going on into Weymouth as the café up by the Nothe Fort has outdoor only seats with no cover.Headed back the way I'd come nearly stopping at a tea wagon for a coffee but rememberd a petrol station a little further on that did coffee for 40 pence!!(Ady could even buy one!)Stopped for a quick photo of an 'olde wordly'garage and headed home,the bike spluttering at times(think its the wet)So I only used three quarters of a tank,spent 40pence on a cuppa,and got home dry(apart from my feet) :D .Morale of the story don't let a little rain put you off! ;D picture linky[img]DSCF4474.jpg

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