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RE: Failed. (FTAO James)

Posted by : James - Edinburgh- ( Inappropriate or SPAM?
On Thursday 03/05/12 at 20:16:04

I saw a program about this only this year and the DVLA are still making these mistakes and losing peoples records. I just cannot understand how they can do this or why they refuse to accept photocopies (I keep a photocopy of my driving license).

Rant mode ="ON"

Worse still is their refusal to accept that they do make mistakes as so many people have had to retake the car or bike test. In any civilised country you would just bung a local copper or government official £50 to get it sorted, but here in Britain it costs £250,000 to get invited for dinner at 10 Downing Street where you can speak to someone who will sort these sort of things out.

It really is just a case of bad management at the DVLA. The employees don't care as the management is piss poor. An effective boss ensures that his employees do their job to at minimum a satisfactory standard.

Rant mode = "OFF"

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