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Posted by : Ric'Nis'90 ( Inappropriate or SPAM?
On Wednesday 25/06/14 at 01:59:22


After a bit of research and an hours messing about. I think this has been resolved.

Just for anyone who wants the gory (nerdy) details, it turns out browsers have very recently (like the last couple of months) started honouring the character set websites request they use. Turns out a bit of code from back in the day on the here was asking for a Windows 95 compatible character set (windows-1250), that led to pound signs (for example) being submitted as weird characters. This led to the parser that checks posts and protects the site from being broken by things like back slashes, quotes, and & symbols, spotting potential control characters and rejecting the post.

So a quick modification (we are now all UTF-8) and we should all be sorted. I think I will post some pound, dollar, and and symbols, just so celebrate.

Much Love

Ric <g>


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