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RE: Front forks

Posted by : Ricnis90 ( Inappropriate or SPAM?
On Saturday 22/03/14 at 03:19:00

Hi Vince, Had this problem the first time I did mine. I assume you have already removed the top bolts (about 10 inches up the inner fork leg)? If so, I found putting the back bolts back through (the ones closest to the cylinder head) putting the axle back through and smacking the axle downward with a rubber Mallet worked a treat. It's maybe a little bit rough, you need to start gentle, but they will come down (i had to smack the end of the leading link after one shock came out), it takes time. This only happens when the top bolts have been done up too tight and pinch the thin fork leg against the top bush of the shocks. This will make getting the shocks back in equally tricky, especially as you can't whack it with a Mallet. I had to get a screwdriver in the top bolt hole in the forks and gently pry the gap for the bush a bit wider (when you put the shock back up you will see what I mean) I then managed to hit it hard enough to get it back in place. It takes patience and lots of cursing to get it lined back up. Once done, don't over tighten the top bolts and the job is much easier next time! Hope this rather rambling mess is one some help. Much love Ric <g>

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