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RE: Nearly go knocked off AGAIN yesterday.

Posted by : PeterR Tonbridge ( Inappropriate or SPAM?
On Thursday 21/06/12 at 13:37:35

This question of cars/motorcycles came up at the driving awareness course I was on recently. A major cause of accidents is drivers who do not give anything like the amount of attention to the road as they should. Unfortunately, we motor cyclists tend to take advantage of our superior vehicles. We filter up the side of traffic streams, we drive close to the vehicle in front, and we assume that everyone is going to behave rationally. The only real solution is always to leave a protective bubble of space around ourselves so that whatever happens there is room to pull up. Easier said than done, of course, but it's the only answer.
Time and time again I have come upon pedestrians stepping out from a stationary traffic stream as I am overtaking it. I now do so at no more than walking speed, but you still need a sharp lookout. With drivers waiting at side roads I try to move toward the centre of the road, watch their wheels for the first sign of movement, and get eye contact if I can.
I'm glad Geoff got away with it, and am quite sure he took the right attitude with the driver. She will be so grateful that I've no doubt she'll take more care in future. The majority of car drivers are neither incompetent nor stupid. But like all the rest of us, they suffer lapses of attention which can so easily prove fatal.

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