Welcome to CubChat - The Forum For Honda Cubs (and Similar Motorcycles)

Embracing the first Honda Super Cub to the Latest Innova

Welcome to the Cubchat message board, dedicated to the Honda Cub Series (C100s, C200s, C50s, C70s, C90s, ANF125 Innovas, Chinese copies and many more).
Please feel free to ask a question, or just say hello. You will find a wealth of knowledge here, various long range trips, local bimbles, and loads of interesting conversation.
Please remember to thank the people who take the time to answer questions on this board, we do not pay them, they come here of their own free will.
Remember all posts here are public, so do not post anything that is not fit for public consumption. Most importantly keep on ridin’, talkin’ and lovin’ the 90!

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